Plumbing & Heating
by Phibsboro Gas
New Energy Efficient
Hot Water Cylinder
Supplied & Fitted
€695 Inc VAT
30’’ x 18’’ (96 litres) Insulated Cylinder
New Immersion Heater
New Immersion 24hr Mechanical Flash Timmer
New Isolation Valve
New Hot Water Cylinder
Immersion Heater Replacement
Supplied & Fitted
€265 Inc VAT
New Immersion Heater
Cylinder Drain Down & Refill
New Water Isolation Valve
Attic Water Storage
Supplied & Fitted
€495 Inc VAT
New Durable PVC Storage Tank & Lid
New Ballcock Fill Valve
Inlet & Outlet Isolation Valves
Replacement Motorised Valves
Supplied & Fitted
€365 Inc VAT
1 Motorised Valve (Nearest Matched Valve to existing one)
System Drain Down & Refill
New Thermostatic Radiator
Supplied & Fitted
€445 Inc VAT
Up to 6 Thermostatic Radiators Valves (Easy Use)
System Drain Down & Refill
System Balancing
Heating System Magna
Clean Filter
Supplied & Fitted
€335 Inc VAT
1 Magna Clean Filter
System Drain Down & Refill
Images show radiator (top) prior to power flush. ‘Hot’ areas are white, cold purple. You’ll see the temperature change from 29℃ prior to a flush, to 80℃ post-flush
Across Ireland there are thousands of homes with central heating systems that have become very inefficient. The accumulation of black iron oxide in a system that manifests itself as black sludge, this can result in many problems that can be very expensive to put right if left untreated.
All heating system should be fitted with a Magnet Clean Filter, It is recommended a Corrosion Inhibitor is added every 4-5 years to prevent this problem.
How do I know if my Heating System needs a Power Flush?
Well here’s a number of symptoms to look out for:
Boiler switching on and off frequently?
Boiler circulating pump failures?
Boiler making banging and/or knocking noises?
Central heating radiators taking a long time to heat up?
Radiators with cold spots?
Discoloured radiator water?
Radiators not getting very hot when the pipe work is getting hot?
House always feels cold even when the heating is up to max?
Boiler making a “kettling” noise (like a kettle boiling)?
Radiators with pin hole leaks?
The only way to be 100% certain if your heating system needs to be flushed is by using the right Technology:
1. Use of a test kit that checks the Inhibitor Levels / Corrosion Levels & PH Levels.
2. Application of a Thermal Imaging Camera (See Before & After Image on the left)
We only use the Kamco power flush model above for a power flush as it can heat the water to the required temperature which is needed if your boiler is broken or been replaced
Power Flushing Process
A power flush is when the power flush machine is connected into your heating system using your boiler or the power flush machine itself to heat the water to the required temperature,
Hot water and cleaning chemicals are then pumped through your radiators & Heating System at high Velocity which flushes out any build-up of Iron Oxide Sludge that is causing a blockage within your heating system this process if also helped with a vibra clean agitator which vibrates the Radiators
We also use our Thermal Imaging camera to monitor the progress of the Power flush,
After the Power Flush we will add Inhibitor back into your system to protect it from a build up of Iron Oxide,
This flushing process usually takes around 6 hours with up to 8 Radiators.
On completion we will add Adeys MC1 Protector (below)
ADEY Magnacleanse Flushing Process
MagnaCleanse system flushing provides an efficient, portable solution for cleansing systems, removing system debris in as little as 4 to 6 hours, when used in conjunction with ADEY’s powerful MC3 or MC5 Rapid Flush Cleaner and VibraClean agitator.
The precision agitator removes more sludge in 20 seconds than can be extracted in 30 minutes without it. Even hardened debris is shifted, reducing the need to remove radiators to completely clean the system.
This flushing process can only be done through an Adey Magnet clean filter.
Using the boilers Heat & circulating pump the Adey Magnacleanse doesn’t require any additional water pressure to flush your system.
This flushing process usually takes around 4 to 6 hours with up to 8 Radiators.
With a System flush an Adey Magnet Clean Filter can be fitted to your heating system where accessible on the return pipe of your boiler.
If required, we can do a system check to see if your system needs to be flushed using the above technology for a fee of €120 inc vat for up to 8 Rads,
This service usually takes around 1hr, half of this fee €60 can be redeemed off the cost of a System flush if your system requires one,
The average cost of a Power flush / Adey Magnacleanse is €595 In Vat (less €60 for the system check if availed of ) for up to 8 radiators on average, and an extra €25 per additional radiator